Deutsche Akademie für Entwicklungsförderung und Gesundheit des Kindes und Jugendlichen e.V.
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DIRFloortime® Fachtagung 2024


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Zweite deutschsprachige DIRFloortime® Fachtagung
Fr. 19.- Sa. 20.01.2024 in München

Autismus betrachtet im Kontext von Beziehung, Entwicklung und Ressourcen

 Workshop 9

Jeff Guenzel, DIRFloortime® Expert Training Leader & Katya Sidor, MA, DIRFloortime® Expert Training Leader

WS 9 "I Found My Son. I FOUND HIM!": DIRFloortime® as a Parent Empowerment Model
DIRFloortime® as a Parent Implemented Approach

Through the personal story of one family, this workshop will explore the power of using DIRFloortime® at home as a parent implemented approach. Leveraging the power of secured attached relationships and honouring that the parents and caregivers are truly the best experts on their own child, parent implemented approaches can be the most effective way to promote a child´s development.

In this workshop we will
• take you on a journey from the despair parents often feel when first being told by a doctor that their child is diagnosed with autism or another developmental disability, to real hope for themselves and their child, to a place of parent empowerment which results in the meaningful and expansive growth and development of the child
• show many videos to properly share the family´s story
• provide additional case examples of how DIRFloortime® at home can and does work.
• identify specific strategies and methods using a DIR Home Program that can facilitate this process

Through group discussion and activities, participants will engage in exploring how this could work with families they are currently supporting.

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